Make It So!

Finally got my new motorcycle license plate! See if you can guess what inspired it: And yes, I inquired about using an exclamation point instead of a ‘9’. Unfortunately, California does not allow it in license plates.

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Clear Lake via Lake Berryessa

I’d been meaning to do this ride for a while. The Covid-19 pandemic and then some ferocious wildfires delayed doing it until early December. A nice one night ride! As always, click on the motorcycle icons for comments and pictures from along the route.

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Made It!

…in a couple of ways :). Yesterday I finally got around to completing my “ride around the Bay” tour, which was interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. This time I picked up from where I left off and road around the southern part of the Bay. Here’s the route I took

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Can You Spot the Bent Handle?

Because I sure didn’t until the other day. And neither did two or three different technicians who serviced my bike before the new place I went to yesterday did. I’m pretty sure the clutch handle (the bent one, on the left) got damaged a couple of years ago, a day

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Uh oh…

Yesterday I took my second stay-within-5-miles ride, this time starting south down 101 to Marsh Road and looping around 280 to 92 to 101 to home. A fun time because of the near total lack of traffic! Well, except for when, early on, I glanced over at my phone —

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North Bay Ride

It’s been a while since I did a longer ride (multiple, albeit minor, surgeries will do that do you — memo to file: don’t grow old :)). My schedule right now isn’t such that I could do a multi-day ride. Besides, it’s winter in California and there’s no guarantee our

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Tioga and Sonora Passes

The images the above slider show is based on are large…so you may need to let your browser digest them all to see the images animate smoothly. After doing Ebbetts Pass last fall I decided it would be fun to knock off all the rideable passes in California. I figured

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InReach Mini: It Could’ve Been a Contender

Because many of my motorcycle trips are solo, and take me beyond cell phone coverage (although not off road!), I’ve been interested in satellite-based text messaging devices. As a class, these basically give you the ability to send (and sometimes receive) SMS/text messages by way of orbital satellite networks. Which

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The Golden Chain and Mt Hamilton

I didn’t expect to be able to squeeze another long ride in this year before the rains set in. But with Barbara heading off to Boston for a week, and a suddenly dried out forecast, the chance was too good to pass up. Plus, I managed to complete, finally, my

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Monterey Peninsula, Indian Valley & the Pinnacles

Or, rather, behind the Pinnacles. The Monterey shoreline, from the Pacific Coast Highway. And, no, I was stopped in traffic when I took this. You don’t think I’m insane enough to take a picture with my iPhone camera while I’m riding, do you?!? This was a ride I did last

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