Sherman Pass, Day 5: Home!

Well, almost. I made it back to our place in Santa Cruz, so this will be the last post related to this trip. Today’s route took me up the Monterey Peninsula from San Simeon, where I stayed last night. The weather was typical summer coastal — overcast and cool, never

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Sherman Pass, Day 4

Since most of today’s ride was going to be across the San Joaquin Valley — in the heat — I decided to get an early start and replace my normal kick-off-the-day cup of coffee with a little motorcycle-induced adrenaline. Worked like a charm! I descended out of Kernville and the

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Sherman Pass, Day 3

Today was the real Sherman Pass day. As in I was actually going to ride through the pass. I’d been a bit nervous the night before, with the fear manifesting itself mostly as “what if I run out of gas in the middle of nowhere?” I love my Yamaha FJR-1300ES,

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Sherman Pass, Day 2

After a rocky launch this trip has quickly turned into one of my favorites. Cruising through all sorts of different Californias, spectacular vistas, giant trees…and the twistiest road I’ve ever ridden! What’s not to like? Before leaving Coalinga for the Sierras I happened to do some more research on the

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Sherman Pass, Day 1

Well, I finally got to Coalinga. But man, what a bunch of silly little frustrations along the way! First, it was raining in San Carlos when I woke up…which kind of offset my having delayed the start of my trip by two days so as to avoid the rain. The

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Sherman Pass, Day 0

I’d been itching to do a multi-day motorcycle trip for months. I hadn’t been on one in several years due to the pandemic, but now that things like lodging are sort of back to normal it was time. Initially I was going to do the Lost Coast, the bulge in

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Under the Gun

Yesterday I was riding I-280, killing time and having fun until I needed to be at Ray Mueller’s meet -and-greet in San Carlos. The traffic was going maybe 10 MPH more than the speed limit but no one was going bizarrely fast. All of a sudden, though, it slowed down

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The Kindness of Strangers towards White-Haired Guys

I found a fun new local ride last week. And I learned, once again, there are lots of kind-hearted people in the world. The route was a new and different way of getting over to CA-9 at Boulder Creek. From there, taking 9 up to Skyline Boulevard (aka CA-35) and

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Bring the Antimatter Injectors Back Online and Rig for Warp Drive

Since originally posting this I realized the dynamometer data I was using measured the torque being produced at the wheel not at the engine crankshaft. Consequently, my reducing the “engine torque” to reflect drive train losses was incorrect (I was double-counting the effective losses). I’ve updated the files and charts

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That Wouldn’t Be Good…

I was kinda bummed when I missed out on some good riding weather last week. Why didn’t I get out? Well, because Yamaha announced a safety recall on my FJR-1300. Apparently, under high enough load, the second gear can, uhh, disintegrate. Which has the unfortunate side effect of locking up

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