Sierra Passes

Click on any of the icons or links to go to my trip report for that pass. In temporal order: In north to south order

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Coming Home

Beckwourth Pass (Day 4) The ride home from Antioch/Bridgehead was beautiful! Pleasant temperatures throughout. Plus, I managed to miss all the traffic. Starting out I realized I’d forgotten to turn on my Google Maps navigation for the route. “No problem!”, I thought. “I know this route well and studied it

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Cruising the Bayou

Beckwourth Pass (Day 3) The place I was staying at in Bucks Lake — Haskins Valley Inn — is owned and operated by two very entertaining women. Each of the bedrooms is beautifully decorated and very comfortable. I don’t normally eat breakfast — have to reserve calories for all the

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Auburn Here We Come!

On the way to Beckwourth Pass (Day 1) The ride up to Auburn by way of Stockton was, as usual, fun! Better yet, it wasn’t unusually windy in the Altamount Pass area north of Livermore. Although the wind turbines were sure spinning! At one point it looked like they were

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Beckwourth Pass

After years of toil and trouble — not really, it was all a blast! — I finally completed a multi-year plan to ride my motorcycle over every one of the major Sierra Nevada passes that have paved roads. Those are, in the order in which I rode them: From north

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Donner Pass

I’ve had a goal, for years, of riding all the Sierra passes. Why? I’m not sure, although every one I’ve done so far — Ebbetts, Sonora, Tioga, Carson, and Sherman — has been an amazing and beautiful ride. But for whatever reason I hadn’t done the most famous one, the

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Lost Coast: Getting Home

After a fun and exciting day exploring the Lost Coast I left Real Northern California to return home to Supposedly Northern California. Rather than retrace my route down US 101 I opted to take Highway 1 most of the way and split the ride into two days. The first stretch,

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Lost Coast: Found!

So it’s not lost anymore! Not, of course, that it ever was. Except to me. But now even I know where it is! Today’s ride was a total blast, although it did give my arms and lower back a real workout (all those bumps, potholes, road heaves and other pavement

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Lost Coast: Phase 1

…and we’re off! Well, we will be in about 30 minutes :). First step: get to Garberville, California.First challenge: survive the wilds of US 101 in Marin County 🙂 I made it to Garberville, California after a five hour ride and a 45 minute stop for lunch and gas. Boy,

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Sherman Pass Trip

After a long COVID-19 related hiatus, I finally managed to do a long-planned multi-day ride. Initially my plan was to head up the California coast to what’s called the Lost Coast1. But that got stymied by on-going rain forecasts. So instead I opted to head south and west to knock

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