Read This Book! (Transcendence)
About once a decade I come across a book conveying so many fascinating insights that it stands out in my memory, forever, as a “boy I’m glad I found this before I died” experience. Two of those are The River that Flows Uphill by William Calvin and Guns, Germs and

Uh oh…
Yesterday I took my second stay-within-5-miles ride, this time starting south down 101 to Marsh Road and looping around 280 to 92 to 101 to home. A fun time because of the near total lack of traffic! Well, except for when, early on, I glanced over at my phone —
Another Make America Great Again Survey…
I got a letter from Mike Pence the other day, exhorting me to stop these evil socialist Democrats from destroying the American Way Of Life (I’d earlier gotten one from His Majesty). Rather than toss it in the recycling bin I thought I’d have some fun with it…and let you

North Bay Ride
It’s been a while since I did a longer ride (multiple, albeit minor, surgeries will do that do you — memo to file: don’t grow old :)). My schedule right now isn’t such that I could do a multi-day ride. Besides, it’s winter in California and there’s no guarantee our

Deadbolt Banana Plugs
Let me share a confession and a recommendation with you. I have been known on occasion 🙂 to rail against incompetent engineers. Generally when I’ve run into something involving the technical workings of a device or system that clearly haven’t been thought through. Of course many such engineering shortfalls have

It's About The Future
As we move into the final stages of the Trump impeachment hearings it’s worth remembering this: it’s about much more than removing him from office. Not because he doesn’t deserve being kicked to the curb; he does. But that was never really a possible outcome, given how he has taken