To the Engineer and Financial Analyst…
…involved in designing and determining the budget for building, my bookcase, greetings! Engineer If you thought creating a drawer-locking design which had a hidden mouse-trap in it was a reasonable thing to do please turn in your degree and your professional credentials to their issuing institutions. Because you’re a nitwit.
Sometimes You Have to Work to See the Simpler Solution
I really love my Dynaplug portable tire inflator…except for one thing. You have to screw the hose onto the tire valve, which, because motorcycle tires don’t offer a lot of clearance, means you tend to lose air when you unscrew the hose. Oftentimes a lot because Yamaha didn’t pay a

Back on the Road!
Got Zeb back from Grand Prix Powersports after they completed three (!!) safety recall repairs. They did their usual great job. Two of the repairs were relatively minor but one involved upgrading the transmission so second gear wouldn’t disintegrate under excessive load. Which would, all things considered, be A Really

That Wouldn’t Be Good…
I was kinda bummed when I missed out on some good riding weather last week. Why didn’t I get out? Well, because Yamaha announced a safety recall on my FJR-1300. Apparently, under high enough load, the second gear can, uhh, disintegrate. Which has the unfortunate side effect of locking up

The Best Butternut Squash Soup
…at least so far :). One of the things I like to cook during what passes for winter in the Bay Area is soup. The thicker and more flavorful the better. There’s nothing like sitting down to a big bowl of warm, tasty soup and some nice crusty bread on

Adios, Trump!
Before listening to Biden’s inaugural speech I had plans to video me burning a huge hole in this yard sign, and then edit it to show Biden & Harris revealed in the flames. But Joe’s right, we need to move away from the rancor…which doesn’t mean turning a blind eye