Lost Coast: Getting Home
After a fun and exciting day exploring the Lost Coast I left Real Northern California to return home to Supposedly Northern California. Rather than retrace my route down US 101 I opted to take Highway 1 most of the way and split the ride into two days. The first stretch,
Lost Coast: Found!
So it’s not lost anymore! Not, of course, that it ever was. Except to me. But now even I know where it is! Today’s ride was a total blast, although it did give my arms and lower back a real workout (all those bumps, potholes, road heaves and other pavement
Lost Coast: Phase 1
…and we’re off! Well, we will be in about 30 minutes :). First step: get to Garberville, California.First challenge: survive the wilds of US 101 in Marin County 🙂 I made it to Garberville, California after a five hour ride and a 45 minute stop for lunch and gas. Boy,
Lost Coast Here We Come!
If all goes according to plan — and the weather gods don’t decide to play tricks on me — I will — finally! — be touring California’s Lost Coast next week. How do you lose a coast? Well, actually you don’t. But you can decide it’s so geologically unstable you
Finding Lost Cats
Our cat, Moose, was unaccounted for recently for well over 24 hours, far longer than he’d ever stayed away from home before. We eventually found him — safe & sound, enjoying some private hunting/hiding time a bit further from home than he’d been known to go before — but were
Bad Staff Work Strikes Again!
Years ago I got to be a representative to the California State Democratic Party annual meeting in Sacramento. It was a fascinating experience. And it contained at least one funny/weird element I’ll never forget, when Gavin Newsom stepped up onto the stage to the tune of Viva La Vida from