Boston Roads & Drivers
I wasn’t going to write about this — why poke fun at people who are obviously having enough difficulties as it is? — but I just can’t resist any longer.
USS Cassin Young
I walked the Freedom Trail in Boston today, ending up at the USS Constitution. I opted not to get in line to tour that ship — besides having a long line, while I understand the need for security I resent having to go through airport-style screening to get into what
The March of Progress
Twenty years ago I had most of the cartilage in my left knee removed, and it took me 5 weeks to get the full range of motion back. Today I had cartilage taken out of my right knee, and I already feel like I could walk without crutches if I
I Finally Understand Money!
That probably sounds like an odd comment from someone who spent his life in finance, but bear with me. Being of a scientific bent, and having worked in a number of small companies and start-ups, I’ve found the process of wealth creation to be more than a little odd. Think
Rare World War II Photos
You can see larger versions of the photos by clicking on them. My friend Bruce (excuse me, Herr Doktor Professor Bruce :)) sent me an email with these photos embedded. They purport to be uncirculated, or at least rarely circulated. Whatever their status, though, they are cool and very interesting.
July 4, 2011
To see larger versions, click on an image in thumbnail mode. The food was great, the company was wonderful, and the fireworks! Well, they were outstanding! Just the way they always are in Healdsburg! Note to fellow photographers: these were all shot hand-held using a vibration-reduction zoom lens with the