A Horse of a Different Color

Every once in a while I see a movie that is edge-of-the-seat exciting… even though I know how it will turn out before I walk into the theater. Secretariat is such a movie. Wow!

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Making Our Democracy Work

I just finished a good book, “Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View”, by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. If you’re curious about the way the Supreme Court fits within the overall framework of a functioning democracy, and would like insight into the approaches justices use to decide cases, it’s

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Almost There!

About a year ago I started a new exercise regime which is based on using an elliptical machine as many days a week as I can tolerate (currently I do three on, one off). Shortly afterwards, I set myself a goal of burning 1,000 calories in 40 minutes. Why 40 minutes?

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Like Sand through an Hourglass…

Years ago I had the pleasure of working with a wonderfully good-humored, droll, witty Brit geologist named Michael Welland. He ran the strategic planning group of Atlantic Richfield’s international division while I was in charge of the financial planning and budgeting team. We came from very different backgrounds, but hit

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The Court Concludes that Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional

Thank you, Judge Walker, for carefully weighing the evidence, exposing the logical fallacies of the proponent’s arguments, and unmasking their attempt to impose their personal biases on how the law is applied to their fellow citizens: Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and

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Barbara and I finally got around to seeing Inception last night. Arthur joined us, too. We all came away feeling the movie was engaging, if not engrossing, but mostly because it was so complex that if you stopped paying attention for a few minutes you’d get lost. It also seemed,

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