July 4, 2011
To see larger versions, click on an image in thumbnail mode. The food was great, the company was wonderful, and the fireworks! Well, they were outstanding! Just the way they always are in Healdsburg! Note to fellow photographers: these were all shot hand-held using a vibration-reduction zoom lens with the
Healdsburg, July 2011
If it’s July 4th, we must be in Healdsburg at my sister-in-law Katie’s house for her annual get-together and fireworks show. Well, technically I suppose the fireworks are courtesy of the City of Healdsburg, but I always think of it as her fireworks show! While walking around the town I
¡Viva la Revolución!
From our recent trip to London and Edinburgh… The English often strike foreigners as being odd. Not in a bad way, mind you. Just different. Like being unfailingly polite as they elbow their way past you onto the Tube. The juxtaposition of seemingly incongruous behaviors can be both confusing and
Ach! Who Would’ve Thought!
Churchill famously observed that the UK and the USA are two nations separated by a common language. I found that particularly true in Edinburgh, where if I didn’t concentrate and focus when a native was speaking to me I often couldn’t understand what was being said. The experience made me
The Curiosity Room
From our recent trip to London and Edinburgh… An odd gentleman’s pastime developed in England in the 18th century: the curiosity room. This was a room, or library, that you strove to fill with interesting and odd artifacts from around the world. No organizing principle was required, and in fact
Why Does This Man Look Unhappy?
Here’s an interesting statue I saw in Edinburgh along the Royal Mile. Obviously a famous personage — you sort of have to be one such in order to earn a statue — but he sure looks unhappy: The answer is simple. He’s Adam Smith, the founder of modern capitalism. Basing