The Cake Was Very Yummy!
Can it really have been 18 years since Caroline entered our lives? That’s what the calendar says. But it seems like only yesterday when we brought her home…
The Children Are Gone!
As of today, we have no more children in our family. What’s happened to Arthur & Caroline, you ask? Nothing…except that Caroline is now 18, which makes her an adult. Which means we’re all adults here now, and will be unless and until some grandchildren show up. It’s been a
Way to Go, Caroline!
Parents reading this post won’t be surprised by what I have to say. But I can distinctly remember walking my daughter to her first day of kindergarten, and that evening attending the first back to school night for her. And now she and her friends from that day — which
Partial Solar Eclipse: May 20, 2012
Check out the posting on my Council blog at
Romantic Comedy Done Right
I’ve been an avid Chuck fan for the entire time the series was on the air. When I first heard the concept — nerdy guy becomes living database of national security secrets who has to be protected by a beautiful spy — I thought it was nuts. But there was