Land of the Giant Women

Reflections on our just-completed trip to London and Edinburgh… Walking around London I had the subliminal impression that something was off. And I’m not talking about the subconscious fear that one is about to step off a curb and get plastered by a car because you were looking the wrong

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Losing Weight in London & Edinburgh

Reflections on our just-completed trip to London and Edinburgh… No, I’m not talking about eating nothing but haggis and neeps, which would cause most people to shed pounds. It’s just that it was interesting how, with one exception, none of the places we ate in London or Edinburgh put out

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London: Holiday Inn Express/City

Reflections on our just-completed trip to London and Edinburgh… With the dollar being where it is, and us having booked our trip pretty much at the last minute (what a surprise :)) and given a desire not to totally break the bank we didn’t have a lot of choices as

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An Ode to Azithromycin

I’ve had a bad cold/sinus infection/cough for most of the last three weeks. It wasn’t awful enough to get me to go to the doctor. Although that’s partially because the medical group I’ve been using since I moved to the Bay area always seems to want me to be sicker

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The Zeroes

Ah, the zeroes! While it’s admittedly a little early to look back on the first decade of the 21st century – it only ended a couple of months ago – it merits some reflection given all the stuff that happened, particularly on Wall Street. Which is where Randall Lane’s The

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