Murphy Loves Water Heaters!
We had to replace our tankless water heater last June, and while the new unit (same make/model, a Navien NPE-24A2) works great, the hot water isn’t always instantly there when we want it. That’s probably because the installer set it to “intelligent” mode, where it tries to learn our usage

Italy, 2024
There’s an online high resolution photo gallery of our trip available here. This post is the table of contents for all the articles I wrote about our October, 2024, trip to Florence, Venice and Rome. Here are the hotels we stayed at, all of which were excellent. Layover in Rome:

Italy, Day 13: Exploring Fora
You can enlarge many of the images in this post by clicking them. High resolution versions of the images, and many more besides, are available from our online photo gallery. We’d had so much fun seeing sights as we strolled about Rome yesterday, we decided to walk to the forum.

Italy, Day 12: No Museums, Please
You can enlarge many of the images in this post by clicking them. High resolution versions of the images, and many more besides, are available from our online photo gallery. We decided for our last two days in Italy that we’d forego museums. Not that Rome doesn’t have a bunch

Italy, Day 11: Roma Here We Come
You can enlarge many of the images in this post by clicking them. High resolution versions of the images, and many more besides, are available from our online photo gallery. On the way to our water bus stop we took a quick picture of this bird sculpture in the window

Italy, Day 10: Venice, Modernized
You can enlarge many of the images in this post by clicking them. High resolution versions of the images, and many more besides, are available from our online photo gallery. Having saturated ourselves with medieval and Renaissance art, we decided to take in some modern art at the Peggy Guggenheim