Toronto, Day 1: Royal Ontario Museum
We are fortunate to have a good friend who grew up in Ontario and is familiar with the Toronto scene. One of his recommendations was that we visit the Royal Ontario Museum…which was fabulous! I love natural history museums, but sometimes get overwhelmed by them if their displayed collections are

Toronto: Day 1
We’d been a little nervous about visiting Toronto in November because, well, it can get cold and rainy. But we lucked out! Our first day here was quite beautiful, with mostly blue skies. In contrast to what we left behind in San Carlos, which was colder, windier and damper. We
…But They’re So Beautiful
I’ve always loved bougainvillea plants since I first encountered them decades ago after moving to California. Their flowers come in amazingly vibrant colors, and the shape of both the plant and the flowers themselves is very striking. But they do have their downsides (click any photo to see it enlarged):

That Crazy Murphy Working Overtime!
Everyone is familiar with Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It’s a sad fact of life, no doubt related to entropy. But sometimes the !Q#$#@!$% works overtime. I had one of those experiences today. Last night as I was getting ready for bed I noticed my

Sherman Pass Trip
After a long COVID-19 related hiatus, I finally managed to do a long-planned multi-day ride. Initially my plan was to head up the California coast to what’s called the Lost Coast1. But that got stymied by on-going rain forecasts. So instead I opted to head south and west to knock

Watch Out for Those Preconceptions!
My very first solo trip on an airplane was when I was 17 and visiting St. Louis to check out Washington University. I got there a day early and wanted to explore the city. Since this was years before I could’ve rented a car it meant a hike. Which was