North Coast Trip – May, 2018
I just realized that I never published anything on this blog about a great motorcycle trip I took up the north coast of California last May. Let’s rectify that right now! Click on the icons in the image below for more information. You can also click on the Full Screen
I had no idea that one of the most iconic images of the 20th Century was seen and captured on film by accident. Check out this link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/dE-vOscpiNc Borman’s quote about what he saw is famous. But when I see that image of the Earth coming over the dead lunar

Sierra Ride (September, 2018)
I just got back from a three day motorcycle trip up into the Sierras, and exploring the California Delta to boot. It was a real blast, and I got to see and experience some really neat stuff! Click on the icons in the images below to get the details. You
Social Justice and the Corporate Form
The other day I was having lunch with my good friend Seth Rosenblatt, whom I met years ago when we both served on the San Carlos Elementary School Board. Among many other things, Seth is my go-to guy on economics. At one point during lunch we ended up talking about
That’s One Way to Move In!
There’s a new apartment building going up on Walnut Street in San Carlos, just north of San Carlos Avenue. That in and of itself isn’t unusual…but the way it’s being built is, at least for San Carlos. That’s because it’s being assembled out of modules that are built off-site and
Reflections on a Crash
The other day, I belatedly realized I’d never written about my motorcycle accident, which occurred Sunday morning, May 24, 2015. Given how significant an event it was (at least for me!), I’m going to rectify that omission right now. The accident took place on Pescadero Road, between La Honda and