Tiger (1999 – 2015)
We had to put our remaining cat, Tiger, to sleep Thursday afternoon. She’d been getting progressively weaker for a while and losing weight. I think the final blow involved a fairly serious respiratory infection. It would not have been kind to her to keep her struggling on. Unlike her half-sister,
Has It Really Been That Long???
I don’t normally do a lot of reflection when birthdays arrive. The day is important to me, of course. But it’s just another day on the calendar so far as the real world is concerned :). But this year is a little different, because it’s one of those Years With
That’s No Moon…er, Hose!
One of the necessary skills to be a successful — as in “don’t go down” — rider is scanning the roadway in front of you. That’s true of driving a car, too, of course. But it’s more important on a bike because you have a lot less road grip —
Those Speed-Crazed Bicyclists
Motorcycle riders have a reputation of being disreputable, law- and convention-flouting people. But in terms of insane, hang-it-out-over-the-edge chutzpah they have nothing on bicycle riders :). The other day I was coming down into Woodside on CA-84 through the twisties. If you’ve ever driven that stretch of highway you know
Those Killer Minivans
It’s one thing to ride on a mostly empty road, even at speed. It’s another thing entirely to ride — even at low speed — in traffic. On the open road the main risk factor is you and your ability to spot road hazards and the occasional vehicle entering or
Oh, The Ignominy!
Today I rode out to Skyline Drive (basically the spine of the Peninsula) and went down to Woodside via Huddart Park. The traffic was stop-and-go up Highway 92 to the Skyline turnoff because of everyone heading over to Half Moon Bay and the beach. Once I turned south there was