Farewell, Faithful Steed!
You were a great introduction to a pastime that I’ve grown to love more and more each year. And I don’t hold my one accident against you — it was clearly human error. Fare the well…
A Good and Caring Man
Ray McHugh, Barbara’s dad, passed away, peacefully, on December 27, 2017. He lived a long life, offering and finding much joy along the way. Always curious, he never stopped learning. Always gracious, he never missed a chance to share even just a few words with passersby. Always kind, he looked
2nd Amendment Brainstorming
The latest round of gun-fueled insanity in Las Vegas has prompted, once again, calls for more rational gun control in these United States. Including by me. But it occurred to me today that draconian shifts — which is what those of us appalled by the slaughter of little kids and
The Old Truths Must Be Preserved!
My brother Art & my sister-in-law Diane recently got back from a trip to western Germany, where, among other things, they were digging into the Olbert family tree (Diane’s been doing a lot of research into family history over the last few years).
Baboon Butts
Years ago I read about an interesting aspect of baboon social behavior. The males have a variety of rituals they go through when they are trying to assert dominance…but if one male baboon moons another, it always ends up in a teeth-and-claws fight. Now, I’m not sure of the provenance
One of the odder things about getting older is the unexpected — and unanticipated — systems failures you get to experience along the way. For the past few years I’ve been pretty diligent about going to the gym, at least four times a week and often every day except Sunday.