The Lab Leak Hypothesis
I found this article from the latest issue of Nature to be very helpful in cutting through the confusion boiling around the search for the origins of COVID-19.

Rock On!
Our daughter is pursuing an audio engineering career in Brooklyn, New York. While she’s done a number of projects that have gone public (including a Grammy nominee) I’m pretty sure this is the first album listing her as the recording engineer. It gives me great pride to see my daughter

Ride ’em, Cowboy!
The other day Barbara & I were flying back from Grand Junction, Colorado after taking a wonderfully scenic Amtrak train ride from Denver (definitely worth doing, BTW). Our route home to the Bay Area had us connect through Salt Lake City Airport. Which I will strive mightily to never, ever,
Those Pesky Political Economy isms
This post was sparked by an exchange on Facebook about communism, socialism and capitalism. At one point the following argument was made: “Communism or socialism has never worked, anywhere. Human nature will not permit it. As to whether socialism can ever really work, I wholly doubt it. Give me one

A Quick Take on mRNA Vaccines
This post was sparked by a question someone asked me about the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Don’t take this all to the bank but I think it’s pretty accurate :). Here’s the original question: I’m trying to grok mRNA technology. My current perspectives: It’s “brand new” technology. Maybe 10 years
Take Back the Brand!
It’s time for a revolution in liberal/progressive thinking. For most of my life – I’m 65 – the term “patriot” was owned by various flavors of right-wing groups. Some of them, like the John Birch Society, as extreme as anything around today. To be a patriot you had to damn