Tragedy in Connecticut

I’ve had enough. Here’s an email I just sent to Congresswoman Speier, Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer. What happened in Connecticut today shows the failure of our current gun control efforts. It’s true that guns don’t kill people, people do. But this tragedy shows it is far too easy for

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An Historic Election

All Presidential elections are at least potentially historic. But I’ve been looking forward to the 2012 election for many, many years. If you’re curious as to why, read on.

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We Have Your Back

To the folks living with the aftermath of hurricane Sandy: we have your back. We’d support you even if you weren’t part of the US of A. Because we’re that kind of people. But we’ll insist our public agencies — our government — go further, because you’re part of us.

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USS Cassin Young

I walked the Freedom Trail in Boston today, ending up at the USS Constitution. I opted not to get in line to tour that ship — besides having a long line, while I understand the need for security I resent having to go through airport-style screening to get into what

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Rare World War II Photos

You can see larger versions of the photos by clicking on them. My friend Bruce (excuse me, Herr Doktor Professor Bruce :)) sent me an email with these photos embedded. They purport to be uncirculated, or at least rarely circulated. Whatever their status, though, they are cool and very interesting.

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I’m Pretty Sure She Is

From someone who attended Maria Shriver’s Women’s Conference in Long Beach to hear Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman speak at a program hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer: “People are still wondering if [Whitman’s] a carbon-based life form.” Always nice to see Star Trek references in modern culture :). And…

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The Court Concludes that Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional

Thank you, Judge Walker, for carefully weighing the evidence, exposing the logical fallacies of the proponent’s arguments, and unmasking their attempt to impose their personal biases on how the law is applied to their fellow citizens: Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and

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