Darla Lights: Installed!

I recently purchased some Clearwater Darla lights for my FJR-1300. Installing them turned out to be beyond my capabilities due to the complexity of removing various cowling pieces to gain access to where the electronics need to be installed.

I solved that by punting most of the installation to my mechanic (thanx, Jim, at GP Sports!). He initially wasn’t able to get the “jump to full power when hitting the horn” feature to work. The Clearwater instructions fell down on the job here a bit, as you can see in the following edited extract:

I give GP Sports a lot of credit for great customer service in that the installation took longer than their estimate, but they didn’t charge me more. It also bugged Jim that the horn feature didn’t work, so much so he asked me to bring the bike back in so he could get it working. Working together we were able to figure out that rather confusing diagram…which let me assuage my wounded pride at not being able to do the install myself :).

If you live in the San Jose/Santa Clara/Peninsula area of California, GP Sports is definitely worth checking out.

The Darlas are a great addition, substantially increasing the visibility of the bike. Even on the relatively low-power setting (30%) Clearwater recommends for normal driving conditions (I’m going to have to fight the urge to use my horn more often, just to flash them). These suckers are blinding on a clear day at full power! I’m sure that makes them great fog lights…but I try hard to avoid riding in fog and rain :). It’s nice to know I can call on more light when I need it, though.

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