We Have Visitors!!!

We have visitors!!!!

This is the first bird nest I can recall ever being built at 286 Chestnut. It’s right over the steps leading up to the front porch, under the eaves.

I’d wondered why we were hearing a lot of bird chirping while having our morning coffee on the front porch…and why Moose was suddenly spending a lot more time there than he ever has before. So today I decided to check out what looked like a pile of debris up in the eaves.

When I first looked at it, I couldn’t see any movement, which made me think it really was just a pile of debris. Closer examination with binoculars clearly showed a parent sitting absolutely still on a nest of twigs. And I mean absolutely still — I couldn’t detect any motion throughout the binocular survey or while taking several pictures.

It’ll be fun watching this little cycle of life play out!

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